Body Scan & IEMT specialist
Body Scan & Health Advice
Do you have complaints or want to check your health preventively?
A body scan and personal health advice helps restore balance so that your whole body can function as it should.
My name is Marloes Versteegh, SOM therapist, NLP and IEMT practitioner, podiatrist and entrepreneur, and my mission is to make people aware of their own health so that they improve and restore balance.

Body Scan
Detecting disturbances
A healthy body fights infections, heals wounds and slows down the ageing process. Every cell works together optimally. When the balance is disturbed somewhere in your body, health problems can arise, ranging from reduced energy, allergies to chronic pain. A (preventive) body scan detects disturbances in your body and activates its self-healing capacity.

IEMT Treatment
Processing trauma
Besides physical factors, there are also mental factors that affect our health. IEMT therapy is suitable for people carrying negative emotions, such as stress, anger or anxiety, or traumatic experiences. IEMT treatment will help you feel good, cope better with what comes your way and experience more life happiness.

“Together, looking for the causes to feel healthy and fit.”
About me
“Mainstream medical care is mainly focused on treating diseases, with drugs or surgery. Of course, it is incredibly nice that antibiotics exist to cure a serious infection or that there are doctors who can set a broken bone. But in many cases, our bodies have natural healing processes to be and stay healthy.
Our health is the result of many elements. From what we eat, to where we live, to our workplace, to what we think, to our social contacts. As a SOM therapist, NLP and IEMT practitioner, podiatrist and entrepreneur, I take a holistic view of health and look at the complete picture. By taking into account all the factors that affect your health, we bring about positive change. This treatment method goes well with regular care. When I have doubts about your health or do not trust medical complaints, I will also always recommend that you see a medical specialist.
Based on the body scan, you will receive a personalised treatment plan to put an end to your complaints. Do you have no complaints and, above all, want to know what you can do to strengthen health? Then you can use the body scan as a preventive health check to stay vital.“
the measurement
Body Scan
The Vitatec’s Global Diagnostics(GD) body scan measures your body in 8 minutes on 612 body functions in 13 body systems:
Immune | Lymphatic | Hormonal | Urogenital | Digestive | Cardiovascular | Reproduction | Jaw and mouth | Autonomic nervous | Respiratory | Brain and nervous | Musculoskeletal | The sensory organs
It also looks at: energy levels, waste/toxins in the body, organs and tissues, measurements at the cellular level (including the immune system, nutritional deficiencies, stress), allergies, micro-organisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites), inflammation, connective tissue, electro-smog, any deficiencies of minerals and/or vitamins and food intolerances.
Body Functions
Body systems
Are you ready to feel top fit (again)?
Fill in the contact form below.
+34 649 697 652
Partida Boliquet, 7
03530. La Nucía(Alicante)